Saturday, April 25, 2015

USE the command offset and break

Today this my first activity that im going to show to you :)

  First draw a line and get the midpoint of the horizontal line and vertical line, we are going to make a box or a rectangular.

 Get the midpoint of the right side corner of the rectangular and then click and enter to end command,and then tel it show at the same process of the drawing it show .
Make a circle type c and specify the radius of the circle type <1.3> <enter>  we must have to our  midpoint .
Types O for offset select the circle

Specify the distance of the circle type <0.4> <enter> we are going to offset the circle that we make  

After you select the circle it can show the offset of the circle and then click.
Do the same step by offset the circle,and you must specify the point of distance of the offset .

After you do the offset the circle you are going to break the line by type
BR <enter> select the line
After to select the line that you want to break specify the distance that you want to break
Type <0.6> and <enter>

After you break the line ,do the same step.

Tel you done your drawing in 2d basic in making a circle and how to use the command of break ..:)

I hope you can learn and we have different type of step and command that what mostly that easy for us to use we can use it just only analyse and understand your drawing  ..:) 

Friday, April 24, 2015